As a company we are concerned about:
– Lack of professionals with (dis)ability in professional programming.
– Lack of plural proposals in performing arts programming beyond cycles or festivals with labels.
– Need to avoid the “paternalistic” view towards groups with (dis)ability.
– Need to create tangible references in society to break the social barriers imposed on groups with (dis)ability.
– Disadvantage of opportunities for the Catalan inclusive scene compared to other countries.
With this meeting we want to help transform the social imaginary regarding the “other”, and especially people with (dis)abilities, to contribute to generating a community with fewer “others” and more “us”. A more plural community that can recognize and value the different singularities that make it up, without excluding or attempting to homogenize based on the norm of the majority. As a company WE CELEBRATE DIFFERENCES.
An activity taught by the resident company Vero Cendoya.
A facility by:
With the collaboration of:
Associated projects:
Tel: 972 249 191 ext. 1203
Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona