“N.A.N” (Now ask nothing – Nothing ask now) was born from curiosity and interest in generating live soundscapes through dance and digital arts. Anna Fontanet, dancer, creator and artist, cohabits with the corporealities of voice, body and space.
Now is the field of work. Ask is the method to trace the trajectory. Nothing is the origin and destiny.
From play and listening, she catalyzes voices and sounds, which cross her and transform her into a swing that goes from outside to inside and from inside to outside. From artificiality to organicity she enters fields of exploration of her own existence in relation to sound as a form of thought. Each sound, each movement could be an autobiographical fragment.
“Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum” — I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I exist; It is through doubt that this dialogue between body and technology comes to life.
Artistic Team
Idea, creation: Anna Fontanet
Sound space and digital arts: Anna Fontanet
Dramatural Advice: Alba Sanmartí Masdeu
Vocal Advice: Numil Guerra
Lighting Design: Irene Ferrer Panicot
Photography and video: Silvia Parés and Tristán Perez-Martín
Costume: Krizia Robustella
With the Support of:
Generalitat de Catalunya | Department of Culture, La Caldera Les Corts | Creation Center, La Faktoria | Choreographic Center, Danzalava | International Festival of Dance and Movement, Azala | Creation Space.
A project by the resident company Anna Fontanet
This is an open rehearsal of a stage project still in the process of creation.
A facility by:
With the collaboration of:
Associated projects:
Tel: 972 249 191 ext. 1203
Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona