Companyia La Saura

Saura is an emerging company born in 2021 that seeks to reimagine theatrical codes to approach new audiences.

Born at the Escuela Superior Eòlia ESAD in Barcelona, ​​in 2022 they present their first piece «Democrazy: La Transition, Borbón y cuenta nueva», a show with which they tour Catalonia and Madrid. And that he has been nominated for the XXV Performing Arts Critic Awards in the sixth edition of the Novaveu category.

Currently, the company is preparing «Céspedes a Sherwood o el extraño phenomenó de los alienígenas que se cuelan en tu boda», a piece with which it consolidates its own language, which combines the comic accent with the poetic and political content.

At the same time, the company adopts the role of producer. Welcoming and managing pieces from other creators, giving artists a framework to develop their projects, as is the case with Déjà vu, a piece by Cía. Marushkas and Martí Torras Mayneris.

SAURA is made up of Mario Rebugent, Mònica Balsells, Sara Font and Carla Griñó.

Céspedes a Sherwood o l’estrany fenomen dels alienígenes que es colen al teu casament

Residence January 2025

Year 2009. The Superior Commissioner of the Mossos d’Esquadra, David Piqué y Batallé theorizes the Sherwood syndrome. In this study, he details the coordination processes of state powers (recognized and actual) to end, by all necessary means (including violence), the phenomenon of occupation in Barcelona. This work, however, over time, is used to repress and end many and varied protest movements.

Year 2022. La Compañía la Saura reveals to the world the existence of aliens on Earth. They have been infiltrating our society for years. To survive, they sneak up on people’s weddings to eat for free.

Threatened by this problem, which affects the world order, the media, political, judicial and police powers, they will unleash and start the Sherwood syndrome again to end this new danger, revealing the seams of our democratic system. Will the Saures manage to save our galactic neighbors?

Artistic card

Authorship and direction: Mario Rebugent

Performers: Mònica Balsells, Carla Griñó, Sara Font, Berta Peña and Lídia Robla

Stage fight: Guillermo Vernal

Assistant director: Pere Vendrell

Promotional photography: Pere Vendrell

Communication and press: Mònica Balsells

Distribution: Sara Font

Executive production: Mario Rebugent

Administration and human resources: Carla Griño

Thanks: Eòlia CSAD, Nuria Coromines, Luis Polo, Andrés Piza, Martí Torras Mayneris, Pablo Ley, Eric Rufó, Claudia Rebugent, Isabel Miquel.

Special thanks: To our mothers and fathers

Un equipamiento de:

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Proyectos asociados:


Plaza de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

Indicaciones en Google Maps
