On Friday, March 17, Salvador Sunyer Vidal, director of the Temporada Alta Festival, will present his documentary “Migraland: un relat basat en l’Odissea” in Salt. The documentary is based on the work directed by Àlex Rigola premiered at Temporada Alta in 2013. It is a special session for high school students from the two high schools in Salt that will be followed by a discussion with the attendees.
With a duration of 45 minutes, with the film you suffer because you share, because you are not watching the documentary from the sofa but beside those who suffer. Is this a show? Will it serve the financial institution to acquire a mark of social prestige? Do we have the right to observe, to clap, to thrill, to know the life of those who hide to survive, we, that we tend to see that they are not there? If they become invisible, we make it double. All these questions exist. They have to. Despite that there is also three hours of life, authenticity, stinging. It is lawful and necessary to ask (and ask ourselves) what to do after seeing Migranland.
This event, hosted at El Canal, is another action in the programming of the 40 years of independence of the municipality of Salt in 2023. More information about the documentary here.