Between the 3rd and the 5th of April, La Bleda will be at Sala d’Assaig to rehearse their new project ‘Pas a pas‘, a co-production with El Canal. The work is a dramatic comedy based on real events and starts from the personal experience of the creator, Helena Escobar, actress and clown. It is a piece for all audiences that reflects on walking, on knowing how to fall, resilience, effort and survival, on “knowing how to fall and relapse, knowing that you are falling to get up later and learning to walk in the your way and in spite of everything even if it’s how you walk.” ‘Pas a pas’ is a family show based on humor, visual poetry and clown theater, directed by Enric Ases and dramaturgy by Jordi Palet.

La Bleda is an independent and self-created show company born in 2001 formed by Helena Escobar and Pere Hosta. With this show, the company will make multiple stays at El Canal in the coming months. It is planned that ‘Pas a pas’ will be released on November 26 at Sala La Planeta as part of the Temporada Alta Festival.

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Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

How to get there in Google Maps

