Eva Durban Company

The Eva Durban Company was born in 2019 from the inclusive Performing Arts project named “P9”, a social inclusion project devised by the Eva Durban CorArt Dance School with the collaboration of CEE Joan XXIII – INTEGRA of Olot (Girona). The project conceives of dance as a means to promote the communication of people with multiple disabilities and intellectual disabilities.

Currently, the Eva Durban Dance Company, with its open conception of contemporary dance, returns to this new show also with dancers with divergent biomechanical movement. A company that cultivates inclusive dance from an integrative prism and tells us about the richness of diversity: all bodies are valuable, all bodies communicate, all bodies express.


Residency January and April 2024

And we were so excited, that desire was so great that we stopped listening and the silence that gives size to all things disappeared. Where is he now!? Entre tells us, if we listen. If we listen

But yes, we know, it’s hard to turn our eyes inside when everything seems so close to us. Entre dances between the lights and the shadows in the direction of the place where prisons become playgrounds of freedom and bouncers, on the main stages. Where is that which we search compulsively to the point of exhaustion? Inside, outside? Or maybe everywhere? Entre embroiders everything with the same golden thread, subtly, wildly, sometimes, to show us the ineffable nature of the silence that embroiders everything.

The Eva Durban Company, with its open conception of contemporary dance, returns to this show with dancers with divergent biomechanical movement and offers a bright contrast of dynamism and expressions. The careful musical selection fuels an experience of epithelial sensitivity and high emotional voltage. A collage of interludes that all become central pieces, if we listen.

Jazz pianist Albert Marquès, familiar with the Entre project, gave his consent to use his song Calling All Souls from his Album ‘Freedom First’, for a piece of the show. This track and the entire album was composed by him, with the voice of Keith LaMar (via telephone), who has been waiting on death row in Ohio (USA) for more than thirty years. A vindictive project that seeks their liberation, and that has become a cry for dignity. ‘Freedom First’, emanates this essential longing of those of us who move between prison and freedom, between life and death, the epicenter of the present project.

I estàvem tan il·lusionats, era tan gran aquell desig que vàrem deixar d’escoltar i el silenci que dona la mida a totes les coses es va esvair. On és ara!? Entre ens ho diu, si escoltem. Si escoltem.

Però sí, ja ho sabem, és difícil girar els ulls endins quan tot sembla tan a tocar davant nostre. Entre dansa entre les llums i les ombres en direcció al lloc on les presons esdevenen platxèries de llibertat i les bambolines, en els escenaris principals. On és allò que cerquem de manera compulsiva fins a esgotar-nos? Dintre, fora? O potser a tot arreu? Entre ho embasta tot amb el mateix fil d’or, de manera subtil, salvatge, a voltes, per mostrar-nos la inefable naturalesa del silenci que tot ho broda.

La Companyia Eva Durban, amb la seva oberta concepció de la dansa contemporània, torna a sumar en aquest espectacle amb ballarins amb moviment biomecànic divergent i ofereix un lluminós contrast de dinamismes i expressions. L’acurada selecció musical carbura una experiència de sensibilitat epitèlica i alt voltatge emocional. Un collage d’interludis que esdevenen tots ells peces centrals, si escoltem.

El pianista de Jazz Albert Marquès coneixedor del projecte Entre va donar el seu vist i plau per emprar el seu tema Calling All Souls del seu Àlbum ‘Freedom First’, per a una peça de l’espectacle. Aquest tema i tot l’àlbum el va compondre ell, amb la veu de Keith LaMar (via telefònica), que fa més de trenta anys que espera al corredor de la mort a Ohio (EE.UU.). Un projecte reivindicatiu que cerca el seu alliberament, i que s’ha convertit en un clam per la dignitat. ‘Freedom First’, emana aquest anhel essencial dels que ens movem entre la presó i la llibertat, entre la vida i la mort, epicentre del present projecte.

A facility by:

With the collaboration of:

Associated projects:


Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

How to get there in Google Maps

