Ça marche

Ça marche is a performing arts company founded in 2015 and based in Barcelona. It is formed by Laura Viñals and Nico Jongen.

Its objective is to develop creative projects that start from the necessary dialogue between theatre, performance, movement and the visual arts. Finding a proper form that speaks of contemporaneity, dealing with its irreconcilable contradictions and its drifts. his projects review the relationship between craftsmanship and technique, ready-mades and opposing materials. Pieces that reflect, on the one hand, on the framework of childhood and its contradictions, and, on the other hand, on the subversive political potential that is inherent in the non-professional body. They are based on the idea that only recognizing the current writing of bodies, gestures and discourses, referencing them. as living documents, we can stylize and frame them.

Trabajos forzados

Residence March 2025

Trabajos forzados questions the dynamics of language and its relationship with the body, starting from the idea of ​​silence, both chosen and imposed. The piece reflects on how Western civilization has prioritized orality, imposing it as the dominant form of communication, and proposes an exploration of the experience of those who are forced to relate differently to speech.

Oliver Sacks says that “the users of a language tend to a naive realism, because they usually see their language as a reflection of reality and not as a construction” Often, we call those who use the voice speakers, as if the possibility del habla was only one and the sign language was not because it was a deaf language. to relate in a different way to speech, a journey that moves away from the paternalistic, pedagogical and pornographic. The idea is that the viewer’s gaze exerts another world of meaning, through silence for example, or absence, another feeling that passes to another being, more corporeal than intellectual. And that’s why it’s more important than ever to work with non-actors, people who emphasize. in the concrete body, far from theatrical convention and the physical tradition that prioritize standardized voice and movement.

Ça Marche’s works, and this one is no exception, are also accompanied by a work ethic that does not fall short of artistic demands, and go beyond mere theatrical exhibition. the company has related to multiple associative networks, institutions and companies that have developed reflections and works around accessibility, with the objective of being able to develop, within the framework of forced labor, spaces, projects or contexts with the Deaf community that can broaden as much as possible the experience and its future footprint.

Artistic card

Direction and authorship – Nico Jongen in collaboration with Berta Frigola
Dramaturgy – Roberto Fratini
Interpreters – To define
Space and lighting – Marc Salicrú
Production director – Laura Viñals
Dressing room – Mariona Signes
Sound – Adrià Juan
Catalan Sign Language (LSC) interpreter – Javi Díez
External view – Víctor Molina

A co-production of – Conde Duque Madrid, Azkuna Zentroa and Ça marche
With the support of – Teatro Municipal de Oporto, Théâtre de Liège, the Comedia de Reims, FuturLab Europe – European research project


  • Open rehearsal of ‘Trabajos forzados’ March 13th at 18:00

A facility by:

With the collaboration of:

Associated projects:


Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

How to get there in Google Maps

