Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou

Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou are composers, creators and performers at the forefront of the performing arts. Their main research revolves around the human voice and its intricate connections with the body, movement, space, stage and light. Their compositions go beyond the traditional boundaries of artistic genres, treating music as a multidimensional entity with physical, scenic, visual, dramaturgical, expressive and poetic qualities.

Bauzà and Jou have presented several stage works in recent years. These explore the human voice and the complexity of identity from diverse perspectives, formats and stage devices, all unified by their commitment to creating dramaturgical narratives through the human voice. Their unique artistic approach involves a physical and movement practice that decomposes the resonant movement of sound (singing) from visual movement, creating a distinctive interaction. The choreography, seen through an acoustic lens, merges fluidly with the musical composition, shaping the essence and dramaturgical structure of their interdisciplinary work.

Born in Mallorca and Barcelona, ​​respectively, Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou bring an obsessive curiosity to understand contemporary human beings through the mechanisms of meaning creation, especially those involved in the construction of individual and collective identities. Their works, such as “I Am (T)here” or “A BEGINNING_expanded version”, have been highlighted in prestigious events such as the Barcelona Grec Festival, evidencing their commitment to exploring the boundaries between sound, bodies and movement, and inviting the audience to question the limits of perception and identity. Recently, their piece “A BEGINNING #16161D” has been selected for the Twenty24 edition of AEROWAVES.


Critics Award: BEST NATIONAL DANCE SHOW “A Beginning_expanded version”
Valencian Arts Award: BEST MUSICAL COMPOSITION “La mort i la donzella”2020. Critics Award: BEST MUSICAL COMPOSITION “Aquella nit”


A BEGINNING #16161D (Premiere at L’Auditori de Barcelona on 11-03-2023)
BEGINNING_expanded version (Premiere at Grec on 8-07-23)
WE ARE (T)HERE (Premiere at TNT Festival on 01-10-21)
I AM (T)HERE (Premiere at l’Eufònic on 29-08-20)


    Residence March 2025

    LOBO és un projecte de recerca escènica que parteix de la composició per a 6 veus De lamentatione Ieremiæ Prophetæ d’Alonso Lobo (1555-1624). A través de la hibridació entre coreografia, composició musical i recerca lumínica, LOBO vol trobar noves eines per a la creació escènica contemporània. Posant l’alteritat al centre de la recerca dramatúrgica crea un marc escènic i sensorial on el públic projecti anhels i laments al voltant de la relació entre els individus i el que ens constitueix com a comunitat.

    LOBO és un espai ple de llum, on 6 persones s’exposen, es relacionen, construeixen i destrueixen, es mostren i s’amaguen. És un espai obert on tot queda exposat. Sense paraules, sense text. Només un cant. Només cos. Només un cant sense text. Un cant antic, escrit el 1602. Un cant que es lamenta. Cossos que anhelen. LOBO és una peça sobre la llum, sobre el que hi exposem, però, sobretot, sobre allò que roman sense dir entre el lament i l’anhel.

    Fitxa artística

    Creació i direcció – Aurora Bauzà i Pere Jou
    Intèrprets – 6 intèrprets a definir
    Disseny d’il·luminació – Jou Serra
    Coreografia – Aurora Bauzà i Pere Jou
    Composició musical – Aurora Bauzà i Pere Jou, basada en De lamentatione Ieremiæ Prophetæ de Alonso Lobo
    Col·laboració coreogràfica i dramatúrgica – Alessandro Sciarroni
    Disseny de vestuari – Mariona Signes
    Producció – Ariadna Miquel
    Distribució – Art Republic

    A facility by:

    With the collaboration of:

    Associated projects:


    Plaça de can Patrac, 1
    17190 Salt, Girona

    How to get there in Google Maps

