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Open rehearsal of ‘The beaver that cried’ by cabosanroque

24 October, 2024 | 19:00

Free with inscription
cabosanroque El Castor que plorava

‘El castor que plorava’ is a work of contemporary creation that dialogues with El gran teatro del mundo de Calderón de la Barca based on a commission from the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico.

It is a reflection on the current moment of climate emergency and destruction of nature by the actions of men, that is to say, the decomposition of the allegorical character of El Mundo, and the destruction of the stage where the men develop their roles (the world we inhabit).

The theatrical format reproduces, from Calderón’s work, the idea of ​​the world as a representation, both on the level of image and on the level of sound, and plays with the dissociation and offset of these two levels. In terms of the image, nature as a theatrical artifice, as it appears in the Memorias de apariencias, Calderón’s descriptions of how the sets and scenographies should be in each of the Autos sacramentales. On the acoustic level, representational artifices are also constructed based on Bernie Krause’s book of sound memoirs, The Great Animal Orchestra, where he tells us about his experiences making field sound recordings in natural habitats threatened by human interference.

Visual artifice and sound artifice. Nature and artifice, nature and theater.

The work has two ways of being seen: 1. Within the scenic or exhibition space, putting your head inside these boxes that contain the different scenes and creating a story that links them together. 2. From the outside, watching unseen as the spectators who enter after you choreograph (subtly orchestrated by cabosanroque) as they move from box to box and perform strange movements putting their heads inside boxes and becoming a new species of animal , between man, box and animal.


Conception, creation, construction, dramaturgy and direction: cabosanroque (Laia Torrents Carulla and Roger Aixut Sampietro)
Original text: cabosanroque, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Bruno Latour, Timothy Morton, Donna J. Haraway, Philipp Blom and Bernie Krause
Adaptation: cabosanroque
Original music: cabosanroque
Lighting Design: cabosanroque, Cube.bz (to be confirmed)
Sound space design: cabosanroque
Video: cabosanroque Frau visual searches (to be confirmed)
Technological assistance: Julià Carboneras
Construction of the boxes: Enrique Blanco
Assembly and disassembly: Enric Masgrau and Kike Salgado
Production: Helena Febrés Fraylich

El castor que plorava is a cabosanroque production, Temporada Alta Festival, El Canal Salt, Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, with the support of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises, Fundació Lluís Coromina and Alumilux.

A project of the cabosanroque resident company.

This is an open rehearsal of a stage project still in the process of creation.


24 October, 2024
Free with inscription


Sala d’assaig El Canal
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Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

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