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Conference “When Silence Comes” by María Muñoz and Pep Ramis

6 February | 17:00 - 18:00

María Muñoz and Pep Ramis, co-directors of the Mal Pelo creative group, propose a conversation about stage language and the processes of creation. From initial research to study to the stage project.

“We do not see the stage as a final destination, but as a place of transit, provoking other views, generating other materials. We only have to look at what we have left behind when we arrive at the presentation of a stage work and observe that everything is full of waste, reflections, drawings, images… the residue of a work to which we will give another form and another structure in a new process of creation and writing. The stage as a place of thought, as a place of exchange of knowledge, as an opportunity to generate and expand different languages.”

Based on their experience, María Muñoz and Pep Ramis will talk about how Mal Pelo conceives the processes of creation of its different artistic proposals: stage works, videos, exhibitions, etc. The conversation will focus on the importance of the richness of artistic languages ​​in these mercantilist times.

Muñoz and Ramis want to offer a look at the artistic language and working methodologies in a creative group like Mal Pelo where there is shared authorship, taking a journey from the moment of entering the studio with the ideas prior to the creative process to the work that establishes the relationship with the audience. They will also talk about the different elements that participate in the creative processes: the creative materials offered by the performers, the scenic elements and objects, the soundtrack, the musical composition, the word, the video and the relationship with various writers such as John Berger, Erri de Luca and Juhani Pallasmaa. In a process of research and creation, different disciplines are put into dialogue that coexist and create synergies between them. These are the intermediate spaces where the dramaturgical fabric is established, where languages ​​intersect and new spaces for dialogue appear.


6 February
17:00 - 18:00


Sala d’assaig El Canal
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Plaça de can Patrac, 1
17190 Salt, Girona

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